This post shows how to create a text file in private app storage and access all files in private app…
This post describes how to retrieve File name, mime type, file size, and last modified from Uri of a file.…
This post describes how to start a Service and stop a Service on Button click. Create your layout in activity_main.xml.…
This post describes how to toggle between normal mode and fullscreen immersive mode using immersive mode fragment. Create your layout…
This post describes how to set date and time together using DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog and save the date and time…
This post describes how to create a ViewPager which displays Fragments according to the Tabs selected in TabLayout. In activity_main.xml…
This tutorial shows how to launch camera in android, capture an image, and display the captured image in an ImageView.…
To create a stopwatch app for android, we can use android Chronometer. Here we will create a simple Stopwatch with…
Here we will create a simple app which calculates the Body Mass Index of an individual using his weight and…